Valentina Meliciani is Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University LUISS Guido Carli. She has a Master in International Economics from Sussex University, a PhD from SPRU (Sussex University) and a Doctorate from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. She has been full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Teramo, Visiting Fellow at SPRU (Sussex University), Visiting Scholar at the University of Minnesota and Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. She has published in international refereed journals in the fields of Industrial Economics, International Economics, Regional Economics and Banking and Finance.  She has worked in EU-funded research projects on the social and economic changes created by the new information-based economy.

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Attività di autenticazione

  • Primo accesso al sito
    giovedì, 22 settembre 2016, 11:39  (7 anni 364 giorni)
  • Ultimo accesso al sito
    martedì, 7 maggio 2024, 15:42  (135 giorni 9 ore)