Luca Arnaudo (Cuneo, 1974) is currently serving as special advisor of the General Director of the Italian Medicines Agency, after having worked for several years as investigative officer at the Italian Competition Authority.

Luca gained a Ph.D. in Law and Economics at the LUISS Guido Carli University, a post-graduate diploma in Law at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, and a Law degree at the University of Pisa.

A visiting professor at the Syracuse University School of Law, N.Y. (2018), and at the Sant’Anna School (2014), as well as a visiting scholar at various universities (Universidad de La Matanza-Buenos Aires, Oslo Universiteit, Universität Wien), Luca is frequently lecturing about his research and practice at universities, competition/regulatory authorities, and various public events.

He has published widely in the areas of antitrust, law and economics, cognitive law and legal theory, pharmaceutical law: three books of him have been issued by LUISS University Press (see He is European editor of The Digest, the National Italian-American Bar Association law journal, as well as peer reviewer for several academic journals. 

A writer and contemporary art critic, he is also an expert of ancient numismatics.

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  • Primer acceso al sitio
    martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016, 10:46  (7 años 359 días)
  • Último acceso al sitio
    sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2023, 14:38  (278 días 9 horas)