Francesca Maria Corrao is Full Professor of Arabic Culture and Language at the Faculty of Political Science in LUISS University of Rome, director of MISLAM Program (Master in Economics and Institutions of Islamic Countries) of the School of Government at the same university. Professor at University of Naples “L’Orientale” (1996-2011), and visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2007), at Fudan University (Shanghai 2017), Science Pò (Menton 2017/19), Cairo, Beirut, Amman, Cambridge and Oxford. The main focus of her scholarly activity is on Arabic and Islamic Culture and History, Mediterranean Studies. She chairs the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Orestiadi in Gibellina (Sicily); Overseas Research member of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Soka University, Tokyo); Member of the European Union of Arabist and Islamist (UEAI), the Scientific Council of the Cortile dei Gentili (Pontifical Coucil for Culture, Vatican), International Affairs Institute IAI-Rome, the European Teachers of Modern Arabic Literature (EMTAR).

Member of the Editorial Board of the open access e-journal titled, Arabic and World Literature: Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives; Member of the Scientific committee of the Journals: Rivista Africa e Orienti, Semicerchio, ARABLIT, Journal of Arabic Literature, Dialoghi Mediterranei, open access e-journal of the Istituto Euro-Arabo. Among her books: Corrao F.M., Redaelli R., States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean, Palgrave 2021 in print; I cavalieri, le dame e i deserti. Storia della poesia araba (Istituto per l’Oriente, 2020); In guerra non mi cercate. Poesia araba delle rivoluzioni e oltre, with O. Capezio, E. Chiti e S. Sibilio (Le Monnier, 2018); L’Islam non è terrorismo, with L. Violante (Il Mulino, 2018); Islam, Religion and Politics (LUP, 2017); Islam, State and Modernity. Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World, with Z. Eyadat and M.Hashas (Palgrave, 2017); Le Rivoluzioni Arabe. La transizione Mediterranea, (Mondadori, 2011); Poeti Arabi di Sicilia (Mesogea, 2002); Giufà il furbo, lo sciocco, il saggio (Sellerio 2001, Nawādir Juhā, in Arabic 2020).


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    mercoledì, 13 settembre 2017, 17:29  (7 anni 8 giorni)
  • Ultimo accesso al sito
    giovedì, 18 aprile 2024, 17:54  (154 giorni 6 ore)