Antonio Simeone is a young entrepreneur with 10+ years of experience in the Fintech & AI world.

He is CEO & Founder of Euklid, a quantitative fund with investment strategies totally driven by AI and Quantum Mechanics, CIO & Co-Founder of Quaternion Technology, a Data Science company that developes algorithms for Power Trading & Energy and CEO of StonePrime, a company which predicts the impact of exogenous events on biotech industries with AI.

Furthermore, Antonio is the Co -  Founder of Discover Bitcoin (LUISS Bitcoin Lab), the first european and one of the first global university observatories about cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, being supported by LUISS Guido Carli university and Google Developers.

Antonio has carried on his partnership with LUISS, founding LUISS AI & Quantum Lab, an innovation pole for R&D regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Quantum Technology with applications related to the development of markets. Together with this advanced research center, Antonio is the President of ‘Fatti Di Algos’, an international private organization made up of excellent young professionals. The main goal of ‘Fatti di Algos’ is the creation of mathematical models led by AI as a tool to solve complex problems regarding GreenTech, Fintech, Biotech and Natural Language Processing.

Currently Antonio is professor of ‘Data – driven models for investment’, a 2nd year optional course of the Master’s Degree Program in Data Science and Management at LUISS Guido Carli university. Antonio teaches how to apply AI and Game Theory to both the design of an algotrading strategy and for the creation of an optimal portfolio investment.

Antonio is also a Financial Journalist, being responsible for the section of AI & Fintech in Econopoly - Il Sole24 Ore, Blockchain Advisor & AI FOR ‘The Aspen Institute and head of AI division of Data Manager.

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    Data - driven Models for Investment
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  • First access to site
    Thursday, 17 March 2022, 3:06 PM  (2 years 187 days)
  • Last access to site
    Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 9:34 AM  (169 days 10 hours)